
improves the efficiency and productivity of cereal crops by optimizing photosynthesis and water use. His research helps develop crops that are resilient to climate change and meet the needs of growers at the regional, national, and international levels.

More information: Studer's lab studies the evolution, regulation, and function of the carbon concentrating mechanism employed by plants for C4 photosynthesis. This process plays an important role in carbon dioxide uptake and transpirational water loss, and thus, has direct implications for photosynthetic and water-use efficiency. Elucidating the genetic control of photosynthesis will enable the manipulation of crops (through both breeding and engineering) to improve productivity and sustainability, which will be vital for food and fuel security in a changing environment.

Affiliations: Studer is an associate professor in the in the (ACES) at the . He is also affiliated with the  the  (CABBI), the , and the at U. of I.


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From snack to science: Innovative grant brings popcorn into the classroom

In a few years, popcorn could become a standard element in science classrooms across Illinois and the nation. With funding from a new USDA grant, a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign crop scientist and collaborating educators are developing a popcorn-based curriculum to reinforce concepts around agricultural science, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, computer science, genomics, research methods, and more for 4-H and high school students.
19-Jan-2024 11:05:55 AM EST

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