
Michael Siegel is a Professor in the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine. His research focuses in the areas of guns/firearms, alcohol and tobacco as they relate to public health. Tying this work together is the study of corporate influences on health--especially advertising and marketing--and strategies to counteract them. More recently, his research has focused on racial inequities in health and the role of structural racism in causing these inequities. His teaching has primarily been in the areas of public health advocacy, social and behavioral sciences in public health, social marketing, and health communication. 

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Gun Permits May Be More Effective than Background Checks Alone at Reducing Firearm Homicides

A Tufts University School of Medicine study, published August 1 in the journal JAMA Network Open, reports that states that require gun permits rather than relying solely on universal background checks see firearm homicide rates, on average, 18% lower than states with background check policies alone.
30-Jul-2024 11:05:53 AM EDT

Reducing Inequitable Health Outcomes Requires Reducing Residential Segregation

The U.S. must reduce racial residential segregation if it is to reduce racial disparities in health outcomes, according to a recently published study by researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine.
28-Nov-2023 12:05:47 PM EST

This Gun Policy Platform Could Help Reduce Gun Violence by 28%, Researchers Say

The common ground between gun owners and non-gun owners is the basis for a policy platform proposed in a report out today from Tufts University School of Medicine experts, who led research into the topic, and 97percent, a bipartisan organization of gun owners and non-gun owners committed to reducing gun deaths, which funded the research.
16-Nov-2022 09:00:38 AM EST

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