Jody Madeira
Co-Director, Center for Law, Society & Culture; Professor
Scott Shackelford
Executive Director, Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research; Executive Director, Ostrom Workshop; Professor, Business Law & Ethics
Ray Brescia
Associate Dean for Research and Intellectual Life, Hon. Harold R. Tyler Chair in Law and Technology; Professor of Law
Social Change,
+ 10
Government Law and Policy, Social Entrepreneurs, Social Media and Law, economic inequality, legal ethics, Litigation and the Courts, Crisis response, Urban Policy, Legal Technology, access to justice,
Bill Yates
Vice Chancellor for Research Protections, University of Pittsburgh
Timiebi Aganaba
Assistant Professor, School for the Future in Innovation in Society
Yong Suk Lee
Assistant Professor of Technology, Economy, and Global Affairs
Braden Allenby
Lincoln Professor of Engineering and Ethics and Founding Director of the Center for Earth Systems Engineering and Management
Peter Clark
Professor and Director of Institute of Clinical Bioethics, and the John McShain Chair in Ethics
Andrea Mraz Nelson
Clinical Assistant Professor and Dean's Fellow for High Impact Practices
Benjamin Ruddell
Professor, School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University
Laura Kray
Professor, Chair, Management of Organizations Group