— Rolling Meadows, IL (May 1, 2024). The May issue of Neurosurgical Focus (Vol. 56, No. 5 []) presents 17 articles on the contemporary management of chordomas.

Topic Editors: Paul A. Gardner, Sebastien Froelich, Ziya L. Gokaslan, Shannon M. MacDonald, Maria Peris Celda, Shaan M. Raza, and Georgios A. Zenonos

 From the editors’ introduction: “No other rare tumor in the sphere of neurosurgery in the past decade has undergone such a dramatic shift in understanding of clinical course and molecular underpinnings than chordoma. … This issue is envisaged to capture the state of the art in this moment for this rapidly evolving field. The hope is that this will then provide both a primer for clinicians and a new foundation for future bench and translational research efforts.”

 Contents of the May issue: 

  • “Introduction. Chordoma: updates and advances” by Paul A. Gardner et al.
  • “A watch, wait, and rescan approach for incidental benign-appearing notochordal lesions of the skull base” by Inga E. Usher et al.
  • “Supramarginal resection of skull base chordomas: proof of concept and preliminary outcomes” by Jonathan Rychen et al.
  • “Long-term outcome of primary clival chordomas: a single-center retrospective study with an emphasis on the timing of recurrences based on the primary treatment” by Sukwoo Hong et al.
  • “A comparison of endoscopic endonasal versus open approaches for skull base chordoma: a comprehensive National Cancer Database analysis” by Justin M. Soffer et al.
  • “Structure-sparing resection for the management of cervical chordomas: a retrospective institutional series” by Adam S. Levy et al.
  • “Multidisciplinary surgical considerations for en bloc resection of sacral chordoma: review of recent advances and a contemporary single-center series” by Christian Schroeder et al.
  • “Anatomical determinants of occipitocervical fusion in skull base chordoma resection: a systematic review of the literature with illustrative cases” by Danielle Golub et al.
  • “Proton versus photon adjuvant radiotherapy: a multicenter comparative evaluation of recurrence following spinal chordoma resection” by Abdul Karim Ghaith et al.
  • “Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of skull base chordomas: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis” by Seyed Farzad Maroufi et al.
  • “Optimizing radiotherapy strategies for skull base chordoma: a comprehensive meta-analysis and systematic review of treatment modalities and outcomes” by Lucca B. Palavani et al.
  • “Quality of life in chordoma survivors: results from the Chordoma Foundation Survivorship Survey” by Adrian E. Jimenez et al.
  • “The burden of skull base chordomas: insights from a meta-analysis of observational studies” by Giorgio Fiore et al.
  • “Characterizing the presentation, management, and clinical outcomes of patients with intradural spinal chordomas: a systematic review” by Max A. Saint-Germain et al.
  • “The role of systemic therapy in advanced skull base chordomas: overview of the current state and the MD Anderson protocol” by Matei A. Banu et al.
  • “The utility of inflammatory biomarkers in predicting overall survival and recurrence in skull base chordoma” by Meagan Hoppe et al.
  • “EP300 through upregulating the expression of vimentin to promote the progression of chordoma” by Lingzhi Wen et al.
  • “Unraveling molecular advancements in chordoma tumorigenesis and treatment response: a review of scientific discoveries and clinical implications” by Michael C. Jin et al. 

Please join us in reading this month’s issue of Neurosurgical Focus


Embargoed Article Access and Author/Expert Interviews: Contact JNSPG Director of Publications Gillian Shasby at [email protected] for advance access and to arrange interviews with the authors and external experts who can provide context for this research. 


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