
Robert-Paul Juster is a neuroscience researcher. His research mainly focuses on the study of chronic stress by considering the effects of gender, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Dr. Juster's research interests include the study of allostatic load, a measure of the long-term consequences of the effects of chronic stress in people. In his studies, he takes into account variables linked to gender and sex to identify possible differences and explanations. Doctor Juster is interested in both the biological and social determinants of chronic stress. In addition to being a researcher, he is director and founder of the Center for Studies on Sex*Gender, Allostasis, and Resilience (CESAR).



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Allostatic load is higher in women in long-term couples

Chronic stress that develops over decades in long-term couples does not have the same effect on men as on women: the latter is more likely to display negative physiological markers than their spouse, according to a study published in the scientific journal Psychosomatic Medicine .
13-Mar-2024 07:05:18 PM EDT

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