
David A.  Kirsch, PhD

David A. Kirsch, PhD

University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship


David A. Kirsch is Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship in the M&O Department at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. From 1996 to 2001, Kirsch held various adjunct and visiting appointments at the Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles. He received his PhD in history from Stanford University in 1996. His research interests include industry emergence, technological choice, technological failure and the role of entrepreneurship in the emergence of new industries. In 2000 Rutgers University Press published his revised dissertation, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History. His work on the early history of the automobile industry has also been published in Business History Review and Technology and Culture. In 2003, his co-authored article on the Electric Vehicle Company received the IEEE Life Members Prize from the Society for the History of Technology. Kirsch is also interested in methodological problems associated with historical scholarship in the digital age. With the support of grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Library of Congress, he is currently building a digital archive of the Dot Com Era that will preserve at-risk, born-digital content about business and culture during the late 1990s.


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Will 2020 be a Turning Point for Electric Vehicles?

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"Some items are blocked that shouldn't be – false positive – while others get through that perhaps shouldn't – false negatives, like the questionable Trump posts," said Kirsch. "Many grey areas seem to beg for clarity, but we get nothing. Solutions to this problem are not easy, given the scale of the challenge, but it is not impossible. For instance, we could imagine a community standards board constructed such that someone in your position would expressly flag your article for review, thereby signaling to the board your awareness of the boundaries you are nearing."


"It's lipstick on several pigs at once," said David Kirsch, a University of Maryland business professor. "I'm trying to figure out what magic do they think they're invoking by putting these things into a single app."


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