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Thomas Miller, PhD

Professor of Biological Science

Florida State University

Biological Science, Climate Change, Hurricane

Miller researches coastal dune vegetation and the forces that influence plant communities on barrier islands, especially in the northern Gulf of Mexico. He has been conducting a long-term study of the vegetation at several locations to isolate the effects of hurricanes, drought, geomorphology and succession on both the vegetation living on dunes and the structure of the dunes themselves.

Biological Science, CRISPR, crispr cas9, Photoprotection, Photosynthesis, Plant Biology, Plant Science

Dhruv Patel-Tupper is an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and technology Policy (STPF) Fellow and science advisor for the USDA. He works to mainstream solutions to institutionalize climate action across science and trade. He works to ensure that agricultural innovations and international policies at the intersection of agriculture and climate change are evidence-based, scientifically rigorous, scalable, and sustainable. Pattel-Tupper is a former Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) Fellow and postdoctoral researcher in the Niyogi Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. He earned his doctorate in plant biology from Berkeley and his bachelor's degree in plant and biological sciences from Cornell University.

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