Mario Sznol
Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology); Clinical Research Leader, Melanoma Program; Co-Leader, Cancer Immunology, Yale Cancer Center; Co-Director, Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer
Harriet Kluger
Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Medicine (Oncology) and of Dermatology; Director, Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer, Yale Cancer Center; Vice Chair for Translational Research, Internal Medicine; Chief, Division of Skin and Kidney Cancer; Associate Cancer Center Director, Education, Training and Faculty Development; Deputy Section Chief, Medical Oncology
Sajid Khan
Associate Professor of Surgery (Oncology); Section Chief, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) and Mixed Tumors; Co-Director of Team Science, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI)
Maureen E. Murphy
Ira Brind Professor and Program Leader, Molecular & Cellular Oncogenesis Program, Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs, Scientific Director, Histotechnology Facility
Marcus Bosenberg
Anthony N. Brady Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Immunobiology; Director, Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer; Director, Yale Center for Immuno-Oncology; Co-Leader, Cancer Immunology, Yale Cancer Center
Bonni Guerin
Medical Director, Breast Cancer Treatment and Prevention Program, Overlook Medical Center