海角社区 海角社区 from National Optical Astronomy Observatory Latest news from National Optical Astronomy Observatory on 海角社区 en-us Copyright 2025 海角社区 海角社区 海角社区 from National Optical Astronomy Observatory 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Automated Observing Network Inaugurated at SOAR Telescope /articles/automated-observing-network-inaugurated-at-soar-telescope/?sc=rsin /articles/automated-observing-network-inaugurated-at-soar-telescope/?sc=rsin Wed, 14 Aug 2019 13:00:06 EST To provide astronomers with a network of world-class telescopes that can be accessed with a touch of a button, four ground-based astronomical observatories have joined forces to set up the Astronomical Event Observatory Network (AEON): Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO), the National Science Foundation's National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), the SOAR Telescope, and Gemini Observatory. With AEON, astronomers will be able to automatically follow up on their astronomical objects of interest, with a range of 0.4-meter to 8-meter telescopes, observing in UV light to infrared. National Optical Astronomy Observatory Found: fastest eclipsing binary, a valuable target for gravitational wave studies /articles/found-fastest-eclipsing-binary-a-valuable-target-for-gravitational-wave-studies/?sc=rsin /articles/found-fastest-eclipsing-binary-a-valuable-target-for-gravitational-wave-studies/?sc=rsin Wed, 24 Jul 2019 13:00:00 EST Observations made with a new instrument developed for use at the 2.1-meter (84-inch) telescope at the National Science Foundation's Kitt Peak National Observatory have led to the discovery of the fastest eclipsing white dwarf binary yet known. Clocking in with an orbital period of only 6.91 minutes, the rapidly orbiting stars are expected to be one of the strongest sources of gravitational waves detectable with LISA, the future space-based gravitational wave detector. National Optical Astronomy Observatory