海角社区 海角社区 from University of North Dakota Latest news from University of North Dakota on 海角社区 en-us Copyright 2025 海角社区 海角社区 海角社区 from University of North Dakota 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif UND faculty member patent may help take astronauts to Mars and beyond /articles/und-faculty-member-patent-may-help-take-astronauts-to-mars-and-beyond/?sc=rsin /articles/und-faculty-member-patent-may-help-take-astronauts-to-mars-and-beyond/?sc=rsin Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:05:08 EST Pablo de Leon, (left) chair of UND's Department of Space Studies, stands with graduate students David Mateus Jimenez, Jurie Visagie and Pranika Gupta, next to a 3D printed prototype spacesuit. Photo by Joe Banish/UND Today. Imagine being an astronaut on NASA's envisioned long-haul flight to Mars, and the unthinkable happens: components on your spacesuit break. University of North Dakota UND Aerospace and NAL Research partner to advance uncrewed aerial systems' reliability, visibility and command and control with enhanced satellite connectivity /articles/und-aerospace-and-nal-research-partner-to-advance-uncrewed-aerial-systems-reliability-visibility-and-command-and-control-with-enhanced-satellite-connectivity/?sc=rsin /articles/und-aerospace-and-nal-research-partner-to-advance-uncrewed-aerial-systems-reliability-visibility-and-command-and-control-with-enhanced-satellite-connectivity/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:05:22 EST University of North Dakota (UND) Aerospace and NAL Research are announcing today a collaborative project where NAL will provide the foundation with a suite of satellite and communication (SATCOM) products and services for its Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) Program. T University of North Dakota Urban Native Elders' Needs Are Not Being Met /articles/urban-native-elders-needs-are-not-being-met/?sc=rsin /articles/urban-native-elders-needs-are-not-being-met/?sc=rsin Tue, 05 Dec 2023 10:05:19 EST The National Resource Center on Native American Aging (NRCNAA) and partners met with AARP in the summer of 2018 to propose the idea of conducting a national survey, specifically looking at the health and social needs of the urban Native Elder population. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota hosts summit on mental health in aviation /articles/university-of-north-dakota-hosts-summit-on-mental-health-in-aviation/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-hosts-summit-on-mental-health-in-aviation/?sc=rsin Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:40:55 EST The University of North Dakota brought all sides of the aviation industry to the table on Wednesday to discuss mental health and wellbeing among the industry's student body and workforce. University of North Dakota A.R. in the O.R. /articles/a-r-in-the-o-r/?sc=rsin /articles/a-r-in-the-o-r/?sc=rsin Fri, 15 Oct 2021 15:10:19 EST "It's not like changing the alternator in your car where you can easily reference the repair manual or a technical read-out in the moment," explained Dr. Stefan Johnson of teaching surgery to medical students and residents. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota (UND), U.S. Space Force sign MOU establishing University Partnership Program /articles/university-of-north-dakota-und-u-s-space-force-sign-mou-establishing-university-partnership-program/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-und-u-s-space-force-sign-mou-establishing-university-partnership-program/?sc=rsin Mon, 09 Aug 2021 17:05:30 EST The U.S. Space Force announced its University Partnership Program at the University of North Dakota during a Memorandum of Understanding signing event Aug. 9. University of North Dakota Holistic approach to healing /articles/holistic-approach-to-healing/?sc=rsin /articles/holistic-approach-to-healing/?sc=rsin Wed, 17 Mar 2021 10:25:19 EST The UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS) has received a five-year award from the National Institutes of Health totaling more than $10 million to develop an Indigenous Trauma & Resilience Research Center. According to Dr. Don Warne, director of the School's Indians Into Medicine (INMED) and public health programs, the goal of the research center will be to address the impact of historical and unresolved trauma on health inequities within the American Indian and Alaska Native population. University of North Dakota Farming on asteroids: Science future, not science fiction /articles/farming-on-asteroids-science-future-not-science-fiction/?sc=rsin /articles/farming-on-asteroids-science-future-not-science-fiction/?sc=rsin Tue, 23 Feb 2021 14:05:41 EST If you want to learn how to farm successfully and grow crops, here's a novel place to turn to: The UND Department of Space Studies. Then again, this advice might be a tad limited, given that not many are aspiring to grow crops on asteroids millions of miles from Earth. But UND Assistant Professor of Space Studies Sherry Fieber-Beyer is. And in fact, she's one of the first in her field who's seriously looking into such an idea. University of North Dakota Superpowered 'superantigens' identified in University of North Dakota anti-cancer research /articles/superpowered-superantigens-identified-in-university-of-north-dakota-anti-cancer-research/?sc=rsin /articles/superpowered-superantigens-identified-in-university-of-north-dakota-anti-cancer-research/?sc=rsin Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:45:29 EST A team of researchers at UND's School of Medicine & Health Sciences might just have revolutionized the treatment of solid tumor cancers. As reported in the prestigious Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, a team led by Department of Biomedical Sciences professors David S. Bradley, Ph.D., and David S. Terman, M.D., identified two new members of the "superantigen" family that, when combined with a common "helper" molecule, showed significantly higher cure rates in and long-term survival of animals with solid tumors compared to other immunotherapeutic agents now deployed clinically. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota astronomers discover source of many meteorites /articles/university-of-north-dakota-astronomers-discover-source-of-many-meteorites/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-astronomers-discover-source-of-many-meteorites/?sc=rsin Thu, 03 Dec 2020 08:15:08 EST Every meteoroid has a story to tell; before they flash across our sky, the celestial objects have traveled around the solar system for billions of miles and millions of years. And now, astronomers at the University of North Dakota may have found a key "origin story," the source of 40 percent of the meteorites that fall to Earth. Those meteorites likely arose from a "cosmic crime scene" that took place in the distant past, in which an asteroid called (6) Hebe collided catastrophically with another asteroid, say Assistant Professor Sherry Fieber-Beyer and Professor Mike Gaffey of UND's Space Studies Department. University of North Dakota Modern alchemy: University of North Dakota aims to turn corn stalks, stems and leaves into jet fuel /articles/modern-alchemy-university-of-north-dakota-aims-to-turn-corn-stalks-stems-and-leaves-into-jet-fuel/?sc=rsin /articles/modern-alchemy-university-of-north-dakota-aims-to-turn-corn-stalks-stems-and-leaves-into-jet-fuel/?sc=rsin Mon, 19 Oct 2020 10:15:17 EST A team of scientists and engineers with UND's ND SUNRISE (Sustainable Energy Research Initiative and Supporting Education) research center will develop a process to convert the lignin contained in corn stover - the stalks, stems and leaves left over after corn is harvested - into jet fuel. Lignin is a polymer that, along with cellulose, forms the structural support of plants. University of North Dakota New detect-and-disinfect technology to be developed, tested at the University of North Dakota /articles/new-detect-and-disinfect-technology-to-be-developed-tested-at-the-university-of-north-dakota/?sc=rsin /articles/new-detect-and-disinfect-technology-to-be-developed-tested-at-the-university-of-north-dakota/?sc=rsin Wed, 16 Sep 2020 12:05:17 EST What if, when confronted with a COVID-contaminated countertop, cockpit or control panel, a person could decontaminate the entire surface by zapping it with a handheld ultraviolet light? Technology that UND is testing and helping to develop could make it possible for people to do just that. And if the testing is successful, the U.S. Air Force and the global food-services industry are just two of the industrial behemoths that are likely to be interested. Supported by a $1.5 million grant from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, SafetySpect Inc. - a California-based company - is bringing its virus-fighting solution to multiple UND labs for experimentation. University of North Dakota Sanford Health and the University of North Dakota announce behavioral health collaboration /articles/sanford-health-and-the-university-of-north-dakota-announce-behavioral-health-collaboration/?sc=rsin /articles/sanford-health-and-the-university-of-north-dakota-announce-behavioral-health-collaboration/?sc=rsin Tue, 08 Sep 2020 16:45:31 EST The Behavioral Health Bridge, a Sanford/UND collaboration, is a series of online modules aimed at helping individuals experiencing common behavioral health conditions related to COVID-19 and promoting behavioral health treatment to address the current needs of people in the community. The partnership's new website and its associated modules are a free online service. The service is meant to offer scientific and clinically valid information - collected by the partnership team - to members of the community, giving them reliable tips and resources for managing behavioral health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. New resources and modules will be added as the partnership continues to grow. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota study points to cost-effective way to find elite athletes /articles/university-of-north-dakota-study-points-to-cost-effective-way-to-find-elite-athletes/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-study-points-to-cost-effective-way-to-find-elite-athletes/?sc=rsin Thu, 03 Sep 2020 21:05:39 EST A recently published study from the University of North Dakota could have lasting impacts in the fields of athletics, physical health and rehabilitation, according to its authors. That's because the study pioneers the fast and comparatively inexpensive use of 3D body-scanning technology - technology that could, among other applications, be used to identify future champion athletes. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota faculty member's book traces history of 'Blaming Teachers' /articles/university-of-north-dakota-faculty-member-s-book-traces-history-of-blaming-teachers/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-faculty-member-s-book-traces-history-of-blaming-teachers/?sc=rsin Mon, 24 Aug 2020 08:15:51 EST Noting that professionalization helped doctors and lawyers secure higher-status, higher-paying jobs, while landing teachers on only the bottom rung of a K-12 bureaucracy ladders, D'Amico Pawlewicz asks and answers, 'Why? University of North Dakota Diana D'Amico Pawlewicz's book, Blaming Teachers: Professionalization Policies and the Failure of Reform in American History out Aug 14 /articles/diana-d-amico-pawlewicz-s-book-blaming-teachers-professionalization-policies-and-the-failure-of-reform-in-american-history-out-aug-14/?sc=rsin /articles/diana-d-amico-pawlewicz-s-book-blaming-teachers-professionalization-policies-and-the-failure-of-reform-in-american-history-out-aug-14/?sc=rsin Fri, 31 Jul 2020 15:15:24 EST University of North Dakota University of North Dakota's Petroleum Engineering Department to host world's largest oil drilling simulator /articles/university-of-north-dakota-s-petroleum-engineering-department-to-host-world-s-largest-oil-drilling-simulator/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-s-petroleum-engineering-department-to-host-world-s-largest-oil-drilling-simulator/?sc=rsin Mon, 03 Feb 2020 15:00:30 EST The University of North Dakota will soon host the world's largest - and only - full scale oil drilling and completion lab. Petroleum engineering students will be able to simulate general drilling and deep drilling, along with testing different rocks, including shale. They will also be able to simulate oil reservoir conditions, including temperature, pressure and fluid flow. Doctoral students will be able to perform research that benefits the state of North Dakota. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota will offer world's first doctoral program in Indigenous health /articles/university-of-north-dakota-will-offer-world-s-first-doctoral-program-in-indigenous-health/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-will-offer-world-s-first-doctoral-program-in-indigenous-health/?sc=rsin Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:30:27 EST The Ph.D. degree will launch this fall, and prospective students are already inquiring about the program, said Dr. Donald Warne, director of the Indians Into Medicine (INMED) and Master of Public Health (MPH) programs at UND, who led the push for the new program. "There is a need for well-trained administrators with a deep understanding of Indigenous health issues," Warne said. "There is nothing like that in the world." University of North Dakota UND Aerospace and Petroleum Engineering teaming up to study whether aviation safety concepts can be applied to offshore drilling /articles/und-aerospace-and-petroleum-engineering-teaming-up-to-study-whether-aviation-safety-concepts-can-be-applied-to-offshore-drilling/?sc=rsin /articles/und-aerospace-and-petroleum-engineering-teaming-up-to-study-whether-aviation-safety-concepts-can-be-applied-to-offshore-drilling/?sc=rsin Wed, 22 Jan 2020 11:20:19 EST "Better safe than sorry" is an overused credo in life. But in the world of aviation and oil-and-gas exploration, as much as anywhere, it can be the fine line between life and death. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recognizes this sobering reality and is betting that proven successes in one of those industries - aviation--can be applied to the other, specifically on offshore drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. And the Academies has turned to the University of North Dakota, which has expertise in both disciplines, for what could be a first-of-a-kind such study. University of North Dakota University of North Dakota student experiment aboard Blue Origin suborbital rocket deemed a success /articles/university-of-north-dakota-student-experiment-aboard-blue-origin-suborbital-rocket-deemed-a-success/?sc=rsin /articles/university-of-north-dakota-student-experiment-aboard-blue-origin-suborbital-rocket-deemed-a-success/?sc=rsin Tue, 17 Dec 2019 17:05:01 EST A team of University of North Dakota's Space Studies student researchers, called the "Dinonauts," recently assisted with the successful launch into space and recovery of a research project, aboard Amazon Founder Jeff Bezo's Blue Origin reusable launch vehicle "New Shepard." The launch and recovery took place on Wednesday Dec. 11 at the West Texas Launch Site near Van Horn. University of North Dakota