海角社区 海角社区 from NSF's NOIRLab Latest news from NSF's NOIRLab on 海角社区 en-us Copyright 2025 海角社区 海角社区 海角社区 from NSF's NOIRLab 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Gemini North Teams Up With LOFAR to Reveal Largest Radio Jet Ever Seen in the Early Universe /articles/gemini-north-teams-up-with-lofar-to-reveal-largest-radio-jet-ever-seen-in-the-early-universe/?sc=rsin /articles/gemini-north-teams-up-with-lofar-to-reveal-largest-radio-jet-ever-seen-in-the-early-universe/?sc=rsin Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:00:00 EST NSF's NOIRLab Gemini Norte colabora con LOFAR para descubrir el Jet mas grande del Universo temprano /articles/gemini-norte-colabora-con-lofar-para-descubrir-el-jet-m-s-grande-del-universo-temprano/?sc=rsin /articles/gemini-norte-colabora-con-lofar-para-descubrir-el-jet-m-s-grande-del-universo-temprano/?sc=rsin Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:00:00 EST Un equipo de astronomos, utilizando el Telescopio Gemini Norte, la mitad boreal del Observatorio Internacional Gemini, financiado en parte por la Fundacion Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos y operado por NOIRLab de NSF, detecto el Jet mas grande jamas observado del Universo temprano. Historicamente, este tipo de Jets han permanecido ocultos en el Universo distante. Gracias a estas observaciones, los astronomos disponen de nuevos y valiosos datos sobre cuando se formaron los primeros Jets en el Universo y como influyeron en la evolucion de las galaxias. NSF's NOIRLab Espectrografo de alta precision ayuda a confirmar descubrimiento planetario /articles/espectr-grafo-de-alta-precisi-n-ayuda-a-confirmar-descubrimiento-planetario/?sc=rsin /articles/espectr-grafo-de-alta-precisi-n-ayuda-a-confirmar-descubrimiento-planetario/?sc=rsin Tue, 04 Feb 2025 10:10:07 EST NSF's NOIRLab High-Precision NEID Spectrograph Helps Confirm First Gaia Astrometric Planet Discovery /articles/high-precision-neid-spectrograph-helps-confirm-first-gaia-astrometric-planet-discovery/?sc=rsin /articles/high-precision-neid-spectrograph-helps-confirm-first-gaia-astrometric-planet-discovery/?sc=rsin Tue, 04 Feb 2025 10:10:02 EST NSF's NOIRLab Journey Through the Universe Celebrates 21 Years of Exploration on Hawai'i Island /articles/journey-through-the-universe-celebrates-21-years-of-exploration-on-hawai-i-island/?sc=rsin /articles/journey-through-the-universe-celebrates-21-years-of-exploration-on-hawai-i-island/?sc=rsin Mon, 03 Feb 2025 20:30:40 EST Journey Through the Universe -- a partnership between the International Gemini Observatory, funded in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation and operated by NSF NOIRLab, and the Hawai驶i Department of Education Hilo-Wai膩kea Complex Area -- celebrates 21 years of cosmic exploration with Hawai'i students and the community. NSF's NOIRLab Gemini South's IGRINS Detects Surprising Signatures in Dynamic Atmosphere of Exoplanet WASP-121b /articles/gemini-south-s-igrins-detects-surprising-signatures-in-dynamic-atmosphere-of-exoplanet-wasp-121b/?sc=rsin /articles/gemini-south-s-igrins-detects-surprising-signatures-in-dynamic-atmosphere-of-exoplanet-wasp-121b/?sc=rsin Thu, 30 Jan 2025 20:30:13 EST Using the visiting IGRINS instrument on the Gemini South telescope, a team of astronomers examined the atmosphere of ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b and found hints that it may have formed much closer to its star than previously believed possible. This discovery was uniquely enabled by IGRINS's ability to simultaneously detect both metallic and icy chemical signatures, a feat typically accomplished using two different instruments. NSF's NOIRLab IGRINS de Gemini Sur detecta firmas sorprendentes en la atmosfera dinamica del exoplaneta WASP-121b /articles/igrins-de-gemini-sur-detecta-firmas-sorprendentes-en-la-atm-sfera-din-mica-del-exoplaneta-wasp-121b/?sc=rsin /articles/igrins-de-gemini-sur-detecta-firmas-sorprendentes-en-la-atm-sfera-din-mica-del-exoplaneta-wasp-121b/?sc=rsin Thu, 30 Jan 2025 20:30:01 EST Un equipo de astronomos, utilizando el instrumento visitante IGRINS del telescopio Gemini Sur, examino la atmosfera del Jupiter ultracaliente WASP-121b y encontro indicios de que podria haberse formado mucho mas cerca de su estrella de lo que se creia posible. Este descubrimiento fue posible gracias a la capacidad de IGRINS para detectar simultaneamente firmas quimicas metalicas y heladas, una hazana que se puede conseguir con dos instrumentos distintos. NSF's NOIRLab DECam and Gemini South Discover Three Tiny 'Stellar-Ghost-Town' Galaxies /articles/decam-and-gemini-south-discover-three-tiny-stellar-ghost-town-galaxies/?sc=rsin /articles/decam-and-gemini-south-discover-three-tiny-stellar-ghost-town-galaxies/?sc=rsin Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:20:54 EST By combining data from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and the Gemini South telescope, astronomers have investigated three ultra-faint dwarf galaxies that reside in a region of space isolated from the environmental influence of larger objects. The galaxies, located in the direction of NGC 300, were found to contain only very old stars, supporting the theory that events in the early Universe cut star formation short in the smallest galaxies. NSF's NOIRLab Desde Chile descubren "galaxias fantasmas", un nuevo misterio cosmico /articles/desde-chile-descubren-galaxias-fantasmas-un-nuevo-misterio-c-smico/?sc=rsin /articles/desde-chile-descubren-galaxias-fantasmas-un-nuevo-misterio-c-smico/?sc=rsin Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:20:05 EST Mediante la combinacion de datos provenientes del telescopio Gemini Sur, ubicado en Chile, y de la investigacion DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS), que contiene un enorme catalogo de imagenes tomadas desde Cerro Tololo, un equipo de astronomos descubrio tres galaxias enanas ultra tenues que solo contienen estrellas muy viejas, reforzando la teoria sobre eventos ocurridos en el Universo primitivo que pudieron interrumpir la formacion de estrellas en las galaxias mas pequenas. Las galaxias investigadas se encuentran en una region del espacio aislada de la influencia de otros objetos mayores. NSF's NOIRLab Dark Energy Camera Captures the Glittering Galaxies of the Antlia Cluster /articles/dark-energy-camera-captures-the-glittering-galaxies-of-the-antlia-cluster/?sc=rsin /articles/dark-energy-camera-captures-the-glittering-galaxies-of-the-antlia-cluster/?sc=rsin Wed, 01 Jan 2025 12:00:00 EST NSF NOIRLab rings in the New Year with a glittering galaxyscape captured with the Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera, mounted on the U.S. National Science Foundation Victor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, a Program of NSF NOIRLab. NSF's NOIRLab Miles de galaxias capturadas en una sola foto desde Cerro Tololo /articles/miles-de-galaxias-capturadas-en-una-sola-foto-desde-cerro-tololo/?sc=rsin /articles/miles-de-galaxias-capturadas-en-una-sola-foto-desde-cerro-tololo/?sc=rsin Wed, 01 Jan 2025 12:00:00 EST Para celebrar el nuevo ano, NOIRLab de NSF comparte este brillante paisaje galactico del Cumulo de Antlia que revela una espectacular variedad de distintos tipos de galaxias entre el centenar que componen su poblacion, y las miles que se ven en la imagen. Esta imagen ultraprofunda fue posible gracias a la Camara de Energia Oscura que fue fabricada por el Departamento de Energia de los Estados Unidos y que se encuentra instalada actualmente en el Telescopio de 4 metros Victor M. Blanco del Observatorio Inter Americano de Cerro Tololo, un Programa de NOIRLab de NSF. NSF's NOIRLab NSF NOIRLab Launches 88 Constellations Project /articles/nsf-noirlab-launches-88-constellations-project/?sc=rsin /articles/nsf-noirlab-launches-88-constellations-project/?sc=rsin Mon, 23 Dec 2024 18:35:20 EST New web pages dedicated to mapping our night sky and exploring its wonders. NSF's NOIRLab NOIRLab de NSF lanza el Proyecto 88 Constelaciones /articles/noirlab-de-nsf-lanza-el-proyecto-88-constelaciones/?sc=rsin /articles/noirlab-de-nsf-lanza-el-proyecto-88-constelaciones/?sc=rsin Mon, 23 Dec 2024 18:35:03 EST Lanzamiento de nuevas paginas web dedicadas a mapear nuestro cielo nocturno y explorar sus maravillas NSF's NOIRLab Dark Energy Camera Spies the Outskirts of the Swirling Southern Pinwheel Galaxy /articles/dark-energy-camera-spies-the-outskirts-of-the-swirling-southern-pinwheel-galaxy/?sc=rsin /articles/dark-energy-camera-spies-the-outskirts-of-the-swirling-southern-pinwheel-galaxy/?sc=rsin Fri, 06 Dec 2024 15:00:46 EST Twelve million light-years away lies the galactic masterpiece Messier 83, also known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy. Its swirling spiral arms display a high rate of star formation and have been host to six observed supernovae. This image was captured with the Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera, mounted on the U.S. National Science Foundation Victor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, a Program of NSF NOIRLab. NSF's NOIRLab Cerro Tololo registra un tesoro cosmico de estrellas nacientes y supernovas exclusivo de los cielos del Sur /articles/cerro-tololo-registra-un-tesoro-c-smico-de-estrellas-nacientes-y-supernovas-exclusivo-de-los-cielos-del-sur/?sc=rsin /articles/cerro-tololo-registra-un-tesoro-c-smico-de-estrellas-nacientes-y-supernovas-exclusivo-de-los-cielos-del-sur/?sc=rsin Fri, 06 Dec 2024 15:00:45 EST A 12 millones de anos luz se encuentra la joya galactica Messier 83, conocida tambien como la Galaxia del Molinillo Austral. Sus brazos espirales muestran una elevada tasa de formacion estelar y ademas ya se han registrado seis supernovas observadas en ella. Esta detallada imagen se obtuvo en Chile con la Camara de Energia Oscura del Departamento de Energia de los Estados Unidos, que se encuentra montada en el Telescopio de 4 metros Victor M. Blanco, en Cerro Tololo, un Programa de NOIRLab de NSF. NSF's NOIRLab DESI Provides Best Test Yet of How Gravity Behaves at Cosmic Scales /articles/desi-provides-best-test-yet-of-how-gravity-behaves-at-cosmic-scales/?sc=rsin /articles/desi-provides-best-test-yet-of-how-gravity-behaves-at-cosmic-scales/?sc=rsin Tue, 19 Nov 2024 20:00:15 EST Researchers have used the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) to map nearly six million galaxies across 11 billion years of cosmic history, allowing them to study how galaxies clustered throughout time and investigate the growth of the cosmic structure. This complex analysis of DESI's first-year data provides one of the most stringent tests yet of Einstein's general theory of relativity. NSF's NOIRLab NSF NOIRLab Astronomers Discover the Fastest-Feeding Black Hole in the Early Universe /articles/nsf-noirlab-astronomers-discover-the-fastest-feeding-black-hole-in-the-early-universe/?sc=rsin /articles/nsf-noirlab-astronomers-discover-the-fastest-feeding-black-hole-in-the-early-universe/?sc=rsin Mon, 04 Nov 2024 11:00:00 EST Using data from NASA's JWST and Chandra X-ray Observatory, a team of U.S. National Science Foundation NOIRLab astronomers have discovered a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy just 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang that is consuming matter at a phenomenal rate -- over 40 times the theoretical limit. While short lived, this black hole's 'feast' could help astronomers explain how supermassive black holes grew so quickly in the early Universe. NSF's NOIRLab Un archipielago galactico en un mar de materia oscura /articles/un-archipi-lago-gal-ctico-en-un-mar-de-materia-oscura/?sc=rsin /articles/un-archipi-lago-gal-ctico-en-un-mar-de-materia-oscura/?sc=rsin Mon, 21 Oct 2024 13:00:00 EST Hace 100 anos, Edwin Hubble descubrio evidencia decisiva sobre la existencia de otras galaxias mas alla de la Via Lactea. Esta imagen es una porcion del enorme Cumulo de Perseo y muestra sus "universos islas" con asombroso detalle, gracias a las avanzadas capacidades del telescopio Gemini Norte, la mitad boreal del Observatorio Internacional Gemini. Las observaciones de este tipo de objetos siguen aportando informacion no solo de sus caracteristicas individuales, sino tambien sobre profundos misterios cosmicos, como la materia oscura. NSF's NOIRLab Gemini North Captures Galactic Archipelago Entangled In a Web Of Dark Matter /articles/gemini-north-captures-galactic-archipelago-entangled-in-a-web-of-dark-matter/?sc=rsin /articles/gemini-north-captures-galactic-archipelago-entangled-in-a-web-of-dark-matter/?sc=rsin Mon, 21 Oct 2024 13:00:00 EST 100 years ago Edwin Hubble discovered decisive evidence that other galaxies existed far beyond the Milky Way. This image, captured by the Gemini North telescope, one half of the International Gemini Observatory, features a portion of the enormous Perseus Cluster, showcasing its 'island Universes' in awe-inspiring detail. Observations of these objects continue to shed light not only on their individual characteristics, but also on cosmic mysteries such as dark matter. NSF's NOIRLab Radiant Stars at the Heart of a Cosmic Rose /articles/radiant-stars-at-the-heart-of-a-cosmic-rose/?sc=rsin /articles/radiant-stars-at-the-heart-of-a-cosmic-rose/?sc=rsin Tue, 01 Oct 2024 13:00:00 EST Cradled within the fiery petals of the Rosette Nebula is NGC 2244, the young star cluster which it nurtured. The cluster's stars light up the nebula in vibrant hues of red, gold and purple, and opaque towers of dust rise from the billowing clouds around its excavated core. This image, captured by the 570-megapixel Dark Energy Camera, is being released in celebration of NOIRLab's fifth anniversary. NSF's NOIRLab