海角社区 海角社区 from NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) Latest news from NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) on 海角社区 en-us Copyright 2025 海角社区 海角社区 海角社区 from NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif The View From the Front Line: One Hospital's NICHE Journey /articles/the-view-from-the-front-lines-one-hospital-s-niche-journey/?sc=rsin /articles/the-view-from-the-front-lines-one-hospital-s-niche-journey/?sc=rsin Fri, 29 Apr 2011 15:00:00 EST "On the Front Line of Change" was the theme of the recent conference of NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders), bringing together hundreds of nurses, nursing administrators, educators and other healthcare professionals whose shared passion and purpose is to improve the quality of care for hospitalized older adults. The conference's 400 + attendees heard from leading gerontology researchers and practitioners about current evidence-based practices to identify, prevent, reduce and manage the incidence of common geriatric syndromes and complications, and front line nurses shared their innovative program accomplishments. Christine M. Waszynski, MSN, Hartford Hospital's NICHE coordinator, and her colleagues described how implementing their dynamic NICHE program has improved care and outcomes for older patients and created a more engaged, energized and empowered nursing staff. NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders)