海角社区 海角社区 from Environmental Health Trust Latest news from Environmental Health Trust on 海角社区 en-us Copyright 2025 海角社区 海角社区 海角社区 from Environmental Health Trust 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Long-Awaited National U.S. Study Finds Increased Cancer from Cell Phones /articles/public-health-alarm-animals-develop-same-tumors-as-humans-from-cell-phones/?sc=rsin /articles/public-health-alarm-animals-develop-same-tumors-as-humans-from-cell-phones/?sc=rsin Thu, 26 May 2016 10:05:22 EST The renowned U.S. National Toxicology Program finds the same rare cancers of the brain and heart that occur more often in heavy cellphone users are also increased in experimental animals. This preliminary report should ring alarm bells around the world. Environmental Health Trust New Scholarly Article Declares Wireless Devices a Safety Risk for Children /articles/new-scholarly-article-declares-wireless-devices-a-safety-risk-for-children/?sc=rsin /articles/new-scholarly-article-declares-wireless-devices-a-safety-risk-for-children/?sc=rsin Tue, 05 Aug 2014 09:00:00 EST Children and fetuses are the most at risk from neurological and biological damage that results from microwave radiation emitted by wireless devices, due to the higher rate of absorption of microwave radiation by children than by adults. Environmental Health Trust Beware of the Digital Zombies /articles/beware-of-the-digital-zombies/?sc=rsin /articles/beware-of-the-digital-zombies/?sc=rsin Mon, 29 Jul 2013 09:00:33 EST More suited to a sci-fi flick than reality, a startling epidemic of young people with smartphone-addled brains is on the rise and the long-term consequences might be far worse than you or I could imagine. Reporting that one in five students are addicted to their smartphones, South Korea, the world's most tech savvy nation, is aggressively tackling the problem, establishing more than 100 Internet addiction camps. As the number of young smartphone users escalates around the globe, educating children and parents about the effects of this increasingly prevalent drug of the future is imperative. Environmental Health Trust Ho, Ho, No! Why iPads And iPhones Are Not Kids' Toys /articles/ho-ho-no-why-ipads-and-iphones-are-not-kids-toys/?sc=rsin /articles/ho-ho-no-why-ipads-and-iphones-are-not-kids-toys/?sc=rsin Tue, 22 Nov 2011 15:05:00 EST What parents need to know about gifting iPads/tablets or cell phones for children. Environmental Health Trust New Study Shows Cellphones Exceed FCC Exposure Limits by As Much as Double for Children /articles/new-study-shows-cellphones-exceed-fcc-exposure-limits-by-as-much-as-double-for-children/?sc=rsin /articles/new-study-shows-cellphones-exceed-fcc-exposure-limits-by-as-much-as-double-for-children/?sc=rsin Mon, 17 Oct 2011 06:00:00 EST A scholarly article on cell phone safety to be published online October 17 in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine reports the finding that cell phones used in the shirt or pants pocket exceed FCC exposure guidelines and that children absorb twice as much microwave radiation from phones as do adults. Environmental Health Trust New Studies Reveal Stunning Evidence that Cell Phone Radiation Damages DNA, Brain and Sperm /articles/new-studies-reveal-stunning-evidence-that-cell-phone-radiation-damages-dna-brain-and-sperm/?sc=rsin /articles/new-studies-reveal-stunning-evidence-that-cell-phone-radiation-damages-dna-brain-and-sperm/?sc=rsin Mon, 23 May 2011 06:00:00 EST New studies carried out by scientists in Turkey, Russia and Israel, have investigated a variety of biological effects triggered by cell phones. Two years after false accusations against scientists who described DNA breaks, now the recent results finally show, that exposure induced DNA breaks are real. Environmental Health Trust Environmental Health Trust Experts Warn That Cell Phone Radiation Excites the Brain of Healthy Adults /articles/environmental-health-trust-experts-warn-that-cell-phone-radiation-excites-the-brain-of-healthy-adults/?sc=rsin /articles/environmental-health-trust-experts-warn-that-cell-phone-radiation-excites-the-brain-of-healthy-adults/?sc=rsin Tue, 22 Feb 2011 16:00:00 EST Lack of brain tumor epidemic does not prove safety of cell phones; warning labels needed. Environmental Health Trust