海角社区 Location Channel: India /articles/channels/India This [feature]/[breaking news]/[focus] channel highlights experts, research, and feature stories related to... en-us Copyright 2024 海角社区 海角社区 Location Channel: India 115 31 / /images/newswise-logo-rss.gif Expert: Dispute with Canada puts India's relations with the entire West in jeopardy /articles/expert-dispute-with-canada-puts-india-s-relations-with-the-entire-west-in-jeopardy/?sc=c6496 /articles/expert-dispute-with-canada-puts-india-s-relations-with-the-entire-west-in-jeopardy/?sc=c6496 Tue, 19 Sep 2023 14:05:55 EST Government and Law,U.S. Foreign Relations,U.S. Politics,Canada,India Life 海角社区 (Law and Public Policy) Expert Pitch University of Delaware IT Peer Advice May Diminish the Management Labor Pool /articles/it-peer-advice-may-diminish-the-management-labor-pool/?sc=c6496 /articles/it-peer-advice-may-diminish-the-management-labor-pool/?sc=c6496 Tue, 25 Jul 2023 15:50:36 EST All Journal 海角社区,Education,In the Workplace,Technology,India Business 海角社区 Research Results It is only natural that, when students consider career options, they ask friends, family, and colleagues in their prospective fields for advice. They may hear about job opportunities, wage expectations, career paths, hiring processes, and more. In the end, that information may inspire and excite, or it may turn students off from the field entirely. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Rutgers Expert Available to Comment on Prevalence of Violence Against Women During Conflict in India /articles/rutgers-expert-available-to-comment-on-prevalence-of-violence-against-women-during-conflict-in-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/rutgers-expert-available-to-comment-on-prevalence-of-violence-against-women-during-conflict-in-india/?sc=c6496 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 08:55:35 EST Gender Issues,Government and Law,Sexual Harassment and #MeToo,U.S. Politics,India,Top Hit Stories Life 海角社区 (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Expert Pitch Rutgers University-New Brunswick Seeing "New India" with Indian Studies Center of Chulalongkorn University, an Expressway to Connect Thailand-India /articles/seeing-new-india-with-indian-studies-center-of-chulalongkorn-university-an-expressway-to-connect-thailand-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/seeing-new-india-with-indian-studies-center-of-chulalongkorn-university-an-expressway-to-connect-thailand-india/?sc=c6496 Fri, 14 Jul 2023 08:55:23 EST Economics,U.S. Foreign Relations,India Life 海角社区 (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Announcement <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2023/07/11/64acd780ee174_new-india.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Chulalongkorn University's Indian Studies Center serves as a hub of connection and cooperation between Indians and Thais. It is also a storehouse of knowledge and information about India, including ancient India, contemporary India, and new India in different dimensions, which encourages Thai people to adjust their views of India, reduce prejudices, and focus on looking for clear opportunities to form collaboration with the "New India." /articles//images/uploads/2023/07/11/64acd780ee174_new-india.jpg,/images/uploads/2023/07/14/64b1626dd8455_Surat-Horachaikul-768x769.jpg,/images/uploads/2023/07/14/64b16289c782a_The-passengers-alighting-metro-train-in-Delhi-India.jpg Chulalongkorn University New book sheds light on adult mortality in India /articles/new-book-sheds-light-on-adult-mortality-in-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/new-book-sheds-light-on-adult-mortality-in-india/?sc=c6496 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 08:05:56 EST Public Health,India,Health Disparities Life 海角社区 (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results A new book provides an in-depth analysis of adult mortality patterns in India and addresses crucial issues related to public health and policy. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Darwinism expunged from India's school textbooks /articles/india-schools-erase-darwinism-from-textbooks/?sc=c6496 /articles/india-schools-erase-darwinism-from-textbooks/?sc=c6496 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 20:20:58 EST Education,Evolution and Darwin,Government and Law,History,Coronavirus,India Life 海角社区 (Arts and Humanities) Policy Science educators in India are urging the government to restore material on Darwinian evolution which has been removed from science textbooks on the grounds that the study load on schoolchildren needs to be lightened after the COVID-19 pandemic. SciDev.Net Climate change may keep India from achieving its sustainable development goals /articles/climate-change-may-keep-india-from-achieving-its-sustainable-development-goals/?sc=c6496 /articles/climate-change-may-keep-india-from-achieving-its-sustainable-development-goals/?sc=c6496 Wed, 19 Apr 2023 14:00:00 EST All Journal 海角社区,Climate Science,Economics,Environmental Health,Public Health,Extreme Heat,PLOS,India Science 海角社区 Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2023/04/13/6438309cdfbc0_sonu-agvan-B91g7ivcdU-unsplash.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Heatwaves in India are increasing in frequency, intensity and lethality, burdening public health, agriculture, and other socio-economic and cultural systems. A study published in PLOS Climate by Ramit Debnath at University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom and colleagues suggests that heatwaves made more likely by climate change may impede India's progress toward its sustainable development goals. /articles//images/uploads/2023/04/13/6438309cdfbc0_sonu-agvan-B91g7ivcdU-unsplash.jpg PLOS Comment les soins de sante primaires peuvent-ils aider a combler les lacunes dans le traitement de l'epilepsie? Un voyage a travers l'Andhra Pradesh, Inde /articles/comment-les-soins-de-sant-primaires-peuvent-ils-aider-combler-les-lacunes-dans-le-traitement-de-l-pilepsie-un-voyage-travers-l-andhra-pradesh-inde/?sc=c6496 /articles/comment-les-soins-de-sant-primaires-peuvent-ils-aider-combler-les-lacunes-dans-le-traitement-de-l-pilepsie-un-voyage-travers-l-andhra-pradesh-inde/?sc=c6496 Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:05:06 EST Epilepsy,Healthcare,Neuro,India Medical 海角社区 Feature <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2023/04/11/64357b7443287_Indiadispensary-Singharticle.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Le role des soins de sante primaires dans l'identification, le diagnostic et le traitement des personnes atteintes d'epilepsie est de plus en plus important. Cependant, les attitudes societales et la stigmatisation entourant l'epilepsie peuvent constituer des obstacles majeurs a l'amelioration des soins. /articles//images/uploads/2023/04/11/64357b7443287_Indiadispensary-Singharticle.jpg,/images/uploads/2023/04/11/64357bbae4070_Singh-Gagandeep.jpg,/images/uploads/2023/04/11/64357bef3162d_India-ASHAcenter.jpg International League Against Epilepsy 'Ragpickers' of Mumbai use entrepreneurship to find meaning, study shows /articles/ragpickers-of-mumbai-use-entrepreneurship-to-find-meaning-study-shows/?sc=c6496 /articles/ragpickers-of-mumbai-use-entrepreneurship-to-find-meaning-study-shows/?sc=c6496 Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:20:19 EST All Journal 海角社区,Behavioral Science,Entrepreneurship,Poverty,India Business 海角社区 Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2023/04/11/643569d6de1dc_deanshepherdcrop.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />A new study from Dean Shepherd, the Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business considers meaning-making in the face of difficult dirty work by examining the "ragpickers" in Mumbai, India. These members of the lowest caste in Indian society live in the slums and dig through trash for food and necessities. And yet, they manage to embrace hope, destiny and survival. /articles//images/uploads/2023/04/11/643569d6de1dc_deanshepherdcrop.jpg University of Notre Dame Increasing education opportunities for girls could help reduce preventable deaths in children under five /articles/increasing-education-opportunities-for-girls-could-help-reduce-preventable-deaths-in-children-under-five/?sc=c6496 /articles/increasing-education-opportunities-for-girls-could-help-reduce-preventable-deaths-in-children-under-five/?sc=c6496 Fri, 24 Mar 2023 07:05:56 EST All Journal 海角社区,Children's Health,Education,Family and Parenting,Rural Issues,India Life 海角社区 (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results An IIASA study shows that maternal education, and particularly secondary education, plays a significant role in reducing deaths in newborns and children under five years of age in both rural and urban areas of India. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in India /articles/mayo-clinic-opens-patient-information-office-in-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/mayo-clinic-opens-patient-information-office-in-india/?sc=c6496 Mon, 06 Feb 2023 02:05:41 EST Healthcare,Medical Tourism,India Medical 海角社区,Business 海角社区 Announcement Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Mumbai to assist patients who wish to make appointments at Mayo Clinic locations worldwide. The office staff, fluent in Hindi and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. Mayo Clinic Mistaken fossil rewrites history of Indian subcontinent for second time /articles/mistaken-fossil-rewrites-history-of-indian-subcontinent-for-second-time/?sc=c6496 /articles/mistaken-fossil-rewrites-history-of-indian-subcontinent-for-second-time/?sc=c6496 Wed, 01 Feb 2023 16:20:36 EST All Journal 海角社区,Environmental Science,Geology,Paleontology,India,Staff Picks,Top Clipped Stories,Top Hit Stories Science 海角社区 Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2023/02/01/63dad3e5b7240_2019dickinsoniacopy.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Scientists discovered the first-ever Dickinsonia fossil in India two years ago, changing our understanding of how the continent came to be. Now, new research shows the "fossil" was just a beehive all along, changing our understanding for a second time, and the original scientists now support the new findings. /articles//images/uploads/2023/02/01/63dad3e5b7240_2019dickinsoniacopy.jpg,/images/uploads/2023/02/01/63dad44b60751_EntrytoAuditoriumCave.jpg,/images/uploads/2023/02/01/63dad4711ac98_hives.jpg University of Florida Como puede la atencion primaria de salud ayudar a cerrar la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia? Un viaje por Andhra Pradesh, India /articles/c-mo-puede-la-atenci-n-primaria-de-salud-ayudar-a-cerrar-la-brecha-en-el-tratamiento-de-la-epilepsia-un-viaje-por-andhra-pradesh-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/c-mo-puede-la-atenci-n-primaria-de-salud-ayudar-a-cerrar-la-brecha-en-el-tratamiento-de-la-epilepsia-un-viaje-por-andhra-pradesh-india/?sc=c6496 Thu, 19 Jan 2023 16:20:59 EST Epilepsy,Healthcare,Patient Safety,Rural Issues,India Medical 海角社区 Feature <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2023/01/19/63c9aeef96935_Singh-Gagandeep.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Un equipo de investigadores visito dos centros de atencion primaria de salud en Bhimaravam para evaluar la atencion proporcionada a las personas con epilepsia a traves del sistema de atencion primaria de salud. /articles//images/uploads/2023/01/19/63c9aeef96935_Singh-Gagandeep.jpg International League Against Epilepsy Using games to promote women's health and wellbeing in India /articles/using-games-to-promote-women-s-health-and-wellbeing-in-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/using-games-to-promote-women-s-health-and-wellbeing-in-india/?sc=c6496 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 20:00:30 EST All Journal 海角社区,Behavioral Science,Psychology and Psychiatry,Women's Health,India Medical 海角社区 Research Results A new paper in Oxford Open Digital Health, published by Oxford University Press, indicates that it may be possible to use mobile game apps to induce young women to make active decision choices to improve their health and welfare. Oxford University Press Using deep learning to monitor India's disappearing forest cover /articles/using-deep-learning-to-monitor-india-s-disappearing-forest-cover/?sc=c6496 /articles/using-deep-learning-to-monitor-india-s-disappearing-forest-cover/?sc=c6496 Tue, 20 Dec 2022 13:45:39 EST All Journal 海角社区,Climate Science,Environmental Science,Scientific Meetings,India Science 海角社区 Research Results Using satellite monitoring data, researchers have developed a deep learning algorithm that could provide real-time monthly land use and land cover maps for parts of India. Ohio State University How can primary health care help to close the epilepsy treatment gap? A journey through Andhra Pradesh, India /articles/how-can-primary-health-care-help-to-close-the-epilepsy-treatment-gap-a-journey-through-andhra-pradesh-india2/?sc=c6496 /articles/how-can-primary-health-care-help-to-close-the-epilepsy-treatment-gap-a-journey-through-andhra-pradesh-india2/?sc=c6496 Tue, 13 Dec 2022 15:10:48 EST All Journal 海角社区,Epilepsy,Healthcare,India,Top Hit Stories Medical 海角社区 Feature <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d7f3277d6_Singh-Gagandeep.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Hours from the nearest city in India, down a pothole-studded road framed by fish farms, primary care centers in Andra Pradesh provide service to tens of thousands of people. How do these centers care for people with epilepsy, and what challenges do they face? /articles//images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d7f3277d6_Singh-Gagandeep.jpg,/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d8508732f_Bhimavarammap.jpg,/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d857b2b36_Bhimaravam-subhealthcenterrunbyASHAworkers.jpg,/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d85f5c909_Bhimaravam-subhealthcenterdispensary.jpg,/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d865ac1c6_Bhimaravam-GollavanitippaASHAworkers.jpg,/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d86ad514b_Bhimaravam-fishfarmsandpotholedroads.jpg,/images/uploads/2022/12/13/6398d8b50583b_Bhimavaram-healthworkersandteamatTurputallu.jpg International League Against Epilepsy Taking Freight Trucks Electric Would Have Big Economic and Environmental Benefits for India /articles/taking-freight-trucks-electric-would-have-big-economic-and-environmental-benefits-for-india/?sc=c6496 /articles/taking-freight-trucks-electric-would-have-big-economic-and-environmental-benefits-for-india/?sc=c6496 Mon, 14 Nov 2022 17:05:45 EST All Journal 海角社区,DOE Science 海角社区 Source,Environmental Science,Pollution,Travel and Transportation,India,DOE Science 海角社区 Source,Top Hit Stories Science 海角社区 Research Results <img src="/legacy/image.php?image=/images/uploads/2022/11/11/636e83ff478fe_2022ElectricTrucksiStock-879265016.jpg&width=100&height=150" alt="海角社区 image" />Diesel-fueled freight trucks play an outsized role in producing India's total greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions. While the country has promoted policies to transition to electric vehicles for public transportation buses and cars, batteries that can power such large trucks have been too heavy and expensive to make their electrification possible. A new study shows that advances in battery technology and dramatically decreased battery costs in recent years have changed that. With the right policies and incentives, battery electric trucks would be more affordable to operate than diesel, and India could become a world leader in producing electric vehicles. /articles//images/uploads/2022/11/11/636e83ff478fe_2022ElectricTrucksiStock-879265016.jpg Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Assumptions about the lethality of air pollution in India may be exaggerated /articles/assumptions-about-the-lethality-of-air-pollution-in-india-may-be-exaggerated/?sc=c6496 /articles/assumptions-about-the-lethality-of-air-pollution-in-india-may-be-exaggerated/?sc=c6496 Wed, 12 Oct 2022 16:05:42 EST Environmental Health,Pollution,Public Health,India,All Journal 海角社区,Top Hit Stories Medical 海角社区,Science 海角社区 Research Results India has among the highest levels of air pollution in the world, and nearly every Indian lives in areas with fine particulate matter levels well above PM2.5 -- the level considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO). University of Toronto Creating 'political economy of hope' at Pakistan-India border /articles/creating-political-economy-of-hope-at-pakistan-india-border/?sc=c6496 /articles/creating-political-economy-of-hope-at-pakistan-india-border/?sc=c6496 Thu, 06 Oct 2022 11:05:15 EST All Journal 海角社区,Government and Law,Race and Ethnicity,U.S. Foreign Relations,U.S. Politics,India Life 海角社区 (Law and Public Policy) Research Results Pakistani nationals of the Hindu faith migrate to India based on religion, caste, culture and history - and lately Indian government officials all the way up to the prime minister have been encouraging them to "return," according to Natasha Raheja, assistant professor of anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S). Cornell University Selective abortion of girls occurs -- for different reasons -- among Indian and Chinese diaspora /articles/selective-abortion-of-girls-occurs-for-different-reasons-among-indian-and-chinese-diaspora/?sc=c6496 /articles/selective-abortion-of-girls-occurs-for-different-reasons-among-indian-and-chinese-diaspora/?sc=c6496 Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:40:20 EST All Journal 海角社区,Government and Law,OBGYN,China,India Medical 海角社区,Life 海角社区 (Social and Behavioral Sciences) Research Results The study authors, health researcher Catherine Meh and Prof. Prabhat Jha from the Centre for Global Health Research, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, previously established that selective abortion of females in second and third pregnancies was widespread and growing within India. University of Toronto